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Inner Mongolia Artists Exhibition

25 March to 28 March 2019




Exhibition Dates/Time:

25-28 March 2o19

11am – 7pm

Opening Event:

26 March 2019


Artists Exchange and Demonstration, 5pm-6pm


Opening Ceremony, 6:30pm


Guest of Honour

梁振康 Mr Stephen Leong Chun Hong


(President of the Federation of Arts Society Singapore)


Host unit





新加坡视觉艺术中心 Visual Arts Centre

新加坡美术总会 Federation of Arts Society Singapore




Born in Mongolia, Ruo Xi Sang Bu is a researcher and a member of many notable organisations such as the Inner Mongolia Cultural Relics Society and the Inner Mongolia Painting and Calligraphy Professional Committee.  He is also a National first-class artist and a professional painter. He has also exhibited globally.



Born in 1949 in Tianjin, Xiao is a member of the Chinese Artists Association, amongst many others. He also holds several important posts in notable institutions. He produced many forms of art, from Chinese painting, calligraphy, murals and sculptures amongst many others, all of which put on national scale.



Li Jiazhong has been an avid painter since young. Influenced by his father from a young age, he studied under the tutelage of Zhang Guanzhe, Wu Xingcai, Mei Mosheng and Huo Chunyang. He graduated from Tsinghua University and is currently a member many notable institutions. His works has been exhibited in many countries abroad.



Graduated from the Chinese painting department of Lu Xun Art College, Chen Yufeng is a member of the Chinese Arts and Crafts Association, amongst many others.  A National First Class artist, Chen has exhibited and won many awards. His works are also exhibited worldwide.



Adopting the pen name of Songzhu Meilan, Liu Shikui was born in Tongliao City in 1959. He is a member of the Chinese Calligraphers, and holds many other important posts. With 20 years of experience in arts and crafts under his belt, he specialises in flowers and birds.


万 中  字真,号一笔墨雪,胡杨墨侠。触目苍桑万生,内心独起波澜,跨长短竹笔,洒一路墨痕,沿沙漠移脊,放一路豪歌。或激昂,或婉转,或凄美,真乃画从歌中来!万中绘画作品在笔墨性上表现出画中的线有起伏顿挫、畅缓疾徐,完全是情绪的记录;浑厚华滋,苍润并济,可视为笔墨的功底深厚。苍,表现出作者的骨气和品格;润,则反映出一个画家的感知和情趣。万中创作了数百首优秀歌曲,上过央视在内的多家媒体,发表过小说、诗歌、漫画,获得过各种奖项。今天是他厚积沧桑、力求薄发的黄金年龄。

Liu Wanzhong’s practices involve the humility and eagerness to learn, to not fear the unknown. He mainly paints freehand ink paintings, based on landscapes of Huyang as a main theme. Aiming to express the dialectical rules and art of the core of Chinese painting.


中国当代艺术家协会理事、文化部中国书画院导师,国家一级美术师,内蒙古科尔沁草原艺术博物馆艺术总监。第二届全 国中国画作品展入选,2017年油画作品《骑兵》在中国人民解放军建军90周年暨解放军第十三届全国美展入选。 2018年中国画作品《雄关漫道真如铁》在第三届中国民族美术双年展入选。从2016年至今在澳大利亚、加拿大、台湾、新加坡等地进行书画交流。

Bao Buhe is an established national first-class Chinese artist. He is the director of the Chinese Contemporary Artists’ Association and holds many other important posts. Since 2016, he has been exhibiting his works globally.



Bai Anping paints four-dimensional paintings by  incorporating the concept of space and time, each painting, viewed from different angles will give people a new visual experience and imagination space.




Yao Wankun is a native of Inner Mongolia. He is currently the director and researcher of the Sculpture Creation Center of Horqin Grassland Art Museum, and holds several other important posts. Graduated from Hubei Academy of Fine Arts, he founded the Tongliao City Sculpturers’ Association in 2010.



Wu Jinlian was born in Tongliao in 1982 and was under the tutelage of Du Jinling and Wang Liping. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University in 2018. She is a member of the Inner Mongolia National Studies Association, the Gansu Provincial Calligraphers’ Association and the Tongliao Artists’ Association.



Born in 1990, legally known as Awandan Zeng, Li Tengfei was exposed to Buddhism since childhood. He studied the Buddhist culture and painting in Fuxin City in Liaoning Province in 1999. In the past ten years,  he has participated in art exhibitions and won the several prestigious prizes.

Come on down to Visual Arts Centre to look at this exhibition!

Are you a fan of traditional Chinese Ink Painting? An avid history buff? Don’t miss out on the Inner Mongolia Artists Exhibition!

Seize this opportunity to meet artists from Inner Mongolia! Let the artworks take you on a journey through their hometown. This exhibition showcases the magnificent works of 10 individual artists. Featuring landscapes, animals, nature and religion, these works represent the Artists’ philosophy towards life and their passion for Art. Through these artworks, the Artists hope that you will gain a deeper appreciation towards Traditional Chinese Ink painting and be able to see their passion towards their country, homeland, art and life!

Contact us at 6255 0711 or drop us an email [email protected] for more information.


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