Visual Arts Centre


8 March to 9 March 2019


Canvas and Weaves is organizing an art exhibition. The show will host an eclectic group of artists, coming together to create an interwoven diversity and an emphasis on helping you stand out through your unique narrative. This uniqueness will create a distinctive connection between the artist and the appreciators / buyers of art.

Canvas & Weaves introduces traditional fabric, weaves and patterns to a wider audience. It introduces young and renowned artists in a more welcoming, friendly setting. It allows Ferzin to collaborate and create and presents you with an open platform to choose the expression that you truly connect with.

This exhibition will be one with many exquisite and beautiful art pieces, personally handpicked by Ferzin herself.

Exhibition Dates/ Time:

8th March 2019 : Opening Reception (Friday, 6pm-9pm)

7:30pm  – 8:00pm : Panel Discussion with Deborah Mickellar & Rajee Vissa

(Topic: The process of art making, acquisition & creative understanding)

 9th March 2019 (Saturday, 10am-7pm)

10:00pm – 12:00pm : Pichwai Workshop with Artist Sushil Soni

4:00pm – 6:00pm : Closed for Private Event 


With Canvas & Weaves, Ferzin has given her twin passions – art and fashion – a platform for expression. She aims to curate and encourage the art forms and its leading artists and weavers more meaningfully. And to interact with connoisseurs like you, more closely.

Canvas & Weaves is a formalization of what Ferzin has been doing for over a decade. After bidding adieu to her corporate job, Ferzin delved into her first love: art. Over the years she has discovered her passion for expressing herself on canvas (using charcoal, oils and pastels), with fabric, and through a camera lens. She has curated well-received art exhibitions in Singapore and co-hosted an exclusive line of Indo-Western garments for a number of years.

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