Visual Arts Centre

Pack you bags and get ready to fly! Aren’t we all always excited to travel? We think of the never-ending food to eat and beautiful places to take in. When we arrive at our destination, landscapes and scenes unfold before our eyes. We hold up our phones and cameras, off we go snapping away! But wait! Is there anything else that we could do? Quick Sketching is the key to go! Do a sketch of your surrounding, we aren’t asking you to go into major details of texture and materials. Just the simple outline of the place, do a sketch in your book and bring your hand drawn memories wherever you go. How do you do it? Drawing and Sketching is the key! Train your eye in observation, look at the outline, shape and size of the surroundings. Regardless if it’s the mountains, lakes, trees or buildings……observation is the most important thing. Once you are done observing, practise in your sketching book.  Because practise makes perfect! Quick sketching is all about perspective, understand what’s 1 point perspective and what’s 2 point perspective. Once you get the idea of perspective, slowly add it into your sketching outline, and this is when you add texture and materials to your drawing. 速写(quick sketch )顾名思义是快速写生的意思,是一种对照实物迅速写生勾勒的方法,当你去旅游时,面对美丽的大自然景色,除了赞叹、拍照、惊呆、还能做什么? 你还能做一件事,把美景迅速画下来,几笔简练线条勾勒出美丽的景观,留下永久的记忆。怎么才能练到快速并且准确描绘出山川、河流、树木、鲜花以及风景透视呢? 素描是速写的基础,只有大量地画素描,训练绘画的准确性,加以线条提炼,准确概括物体形状,不需要加上色调明暗和质感效果,主要是以线为主,要求线条准确。而速写风景画首先练习素描的画线方法,然后学习风景画透视,一点透视和两点透视,再学习树木、山川的线条表现方法。画好风景速写,那你的欧洲旅游多了一个乐趣,带着笔随心所欲游欧洲了。



Munich, Marienplatz

Munich, Marienplatz



Once you have mastered your quick sketch skill, what a joy! One more thing to pack in your bag, but your take-away will be worth the weight! Want to learn the basic of drawing and sketching to show case your talents overseas? Join us here at Visual Arts Centre for an exciting drawing and sketching session, head over to the link provided for more details! We will guide you from the basic, and let you learn step by step the skills required for drawing and sketching. From observation to sketching to texture, we will cover the fundamentals. What are you waiting for? Email us today at [email protected] or give us a call at 6733 2155 or 6255 0711.