Visual Arts Centre

Acrylic Painting
Acrylic Painting
Acrylic Painting
Acrylic Painting
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Profesional Art Courses & Regular Art Workshops at Visual Arts Centre

Suitable for art learners of all ages and levels of experience, Visual Arts Centre offers professional art courses for teenagers and adults.

For Adults and Teenagers, art courses includes Drawing and Sketching, Acrylic Painting, Oil Painting, Watercolour Painting, Chinese ink painting. 

For Children aging 5 to 9 years old, Creative Kids Art Immersion Course is recommended.

The number of lessons and duration of the art course varies according to the art medium and learning progress attainable. Learners may choose 8-12 sessions to attain a beginner’s level of art foundation in one medium, 24 sessions to attain an intermediate level in one art medium and 48 sessions to attain an intermediate to advanced level in one or two art mediums.

Scroll below to Find Out More!



Popular Course

Within our Professional Drawing and Sketching course, explore different subjects like realism, still-life, landscape, architectural, portrait, animals and many more! Great for building a strong art foundation. 

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Within our Professional Oil Painting course, explore different subjects like realism, still-life, landscape, architectural, portrait, animals and many more!

*Prerequisite: Completion of at least 12 sessions of Acrylic Painting

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Within our Professional Acrylic Painting course, explore different subjects like realism, still-life, landscape, architectural, portrait, animals and many more! Learn a combination of acrylic and oil painting techniques!

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Professional Watercolour Painting Course available in 12, 24, 48 sessions. Learn plein air watercolour painting techniques, still life, landscape and even explore coloured illustration with watercolour!

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Be introduced to learn the Chinese brush strokes techniques, materials and skills required. 

Explore different subjects like birds & flowers, tropical Singaporean subjects, landscape, animals, creative abstraction & landscape and many more!

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Suitable for ages 6 and above, the Chinese Calligraphy Course is for beginners to learn the basics of Chinese Ink Painting. Explore different techniques and strokes on chinese rice paper! Fully guided class with our all materials provided.

Lesson Schedule: Starting from 16 March 2024, Every Thursday 7pm-9pm & Saturday 3pm-5pm.

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Suitable for beginners to those with experience in drawing and digital art. This course is a mixed 6 sessions traditional medium and 6 sessions digital medium exploration and learning with the Manga theme for drawing and digital painting. 

For ages 10 and above. Younger children with digital experience may apply.
Lesson Schedule: Monday 5pm-7:15pm/ 7:30pm-9:45pm / Tuesday 3:30pm-5:45pm 

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Suitable for beginners to those with experience in drawing and digital art. This course is a mixed 6 sessions traditional medium and 6 sessions digital medium exploration and learning with the Manga theme for drawing and digital painting. 

For ages 10 and above. Younger children with digital experience may apply.
Lesson Schedule: Monday 5pm-7:15pm/ 7:30pm-9:45pm / Tuesday 3:30pm-5:45pm 

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Suitable for Kids and Teens aging from ages 8-16 are welcome to join us for our Urban Landscape Sketching! Learn how to draw 3D perspectives and depth, architectures and trees in this bootcamp.

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Creative Kids Art immersion (5-7 Years old)
This course is suitable for all levels, from adult and teenager to those who are keen on looking to get exposed to the arts or preparing art portfolio for school submission.
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Join us for an enriching journey into the world of professional interior design sketching at Visual Arts Centre. 

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Upcoming session: 16 May, 23 May, 6 Jun, 13 Jun, 27 Jun, 4 Jul, 11 Jul and more! [Regularly on Thursday evenings, but do check the dates for confirmation.]
  • Explore life drawing and be guided by a professional art instructor!
  • Study human anatomy and practise drawing with pencil/charcoal
  • Hone drawing skills and acquire an understanding of academy school approach life drawing
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Popular Course

Join our Most Popular Professional Art Immersion 3 Mediums art course – Drawing and Sketching, Acrylic Painting and Watercolour Painting.

Explore subjects like realism, still-life, landscape, architectural, portrait, animals and many more!

Have the flexibility to learn the fundamentals of drawing and sketching, and explore colour blending skills & techniques!

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Attend customised one-to-one Zoom online art classes under professional art guidance. 

Workshops & Private Art Classes

Take a comprehensive 1 on 1 art class with professional guidance. Private art classes are suitable for those who desire accelerated learning or who would like to be learning and working one to one with a professional artist. Your choice of art medium and learning objectives. 一对一,私人定制的美术课程可选择学习油画、丙烯、水彩、水墨、书法等媒介。

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Upcoming session: 16 May, 23 May, 6 Jun, 13 Jun, 27 Jun, 4 Jul, 11 Jul and more! [Regularly on Thursday evenings, but do check the dates for confirmation.]
  • Explore life drawing and be guided by a professional art instructor!
  • Study human anatomy and practise drawing with pencil/charcoal
  • Hone drawing skills and acquire an understanding of academy school approach life drawing
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Creative Kids Art immersion (5-7 Years old)
This course is suitable for all levels, from adult and teenager to those who are keen on looking to get exposed to the arts or preparing art portfolio for school submission.
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Creative Junior Explorer [ 3 Medium Art Immersion ] (8-9 Years old)
Creative Kids Art Immersion Course by Visual Arts Centre provides opportunities for children (aged 5-9 years) to develop artistic and practical creative knowledge and skills through a range of medium, forms and expressions.
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T-Shirt Painting Kids Birthday Party
Thinking of celebrating your little one’s birthday in a unique and creative way? Want to make their special day one that they will never forget?
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Art Jamming Kids Birthday Party

Thinking of celebrating your little one’s birthday in a unique and creative way? Want to make their special day one that they will never forget?

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Enjoy a comprehensive 1 on 1 professional guidance with our private classes. Customised mediums and learning objectives at your preference!

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Choose Graffiti Art, learn to design and spray paint your own piece of artwork in bold colours and graffiti style and showcase your creativity.

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Special Holiday Courses & Workshops

Enrol for June to Aug 2024 Holiday Courses available for kids and for youths! Holiday Art Bootcamps offers the perfect opportunity for your child to learn new art  mediums and hone art skills!
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Young art learners looking to advance in their art learning during this holiday, Professional Intensive Boot Camps – Drawing & Sketching is the perfect course for Teens and Youth age 10 – 18 years old.
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Young art learners looking to advance in their art learning during this holiday, Professional Intensive Boot Camps – Acrylic & Watercolour is the perfect course for Youth age 10 – 18 years old.
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This is a guided course with professional instructor guidance and we will also be going outdoors to capture different life subjects such as trees, bushes and architecture. All art materials will be provided for this course and is suitable for learners from the age of 8 years and above with varying levels of experience!
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Young art learners looking to advance in their art learning during this holiday, Professional Manga & Coloured Illustration Bootcamp for Youth age 10 – 18 years old.
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Young art learners looking to advance in their art learning during this holiday, Introduction to Digital Drawing and Painting Bootcamp for Youth age 10 – 18 years old.
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Join Visual Arts Centre’s Holiday Kids and Youth Art Courses as a perfect programme for your child to explore new mediums and build up their foundational art techniques. This fully immersive holiday programme is suitable for children ages 7-9 and youths ages 10-18.
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Join Visual Arts Centre’s Holiday Kids and Youth Art Courses as a perfect programme for your child to explore new mediums and build up their foundational art techniques. This fully immersive holiday programme is suitable for children ages 7-9 and youths ages 10-18.
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Children who start to draw at a young age are prone to draw humans in cartoon forms. Why not allow them to try our Introduction To Digital Drawing & Painting (from 8 Years Old) Art Course in Singapore? We cater to all beginners and children from 8 YO and above that are looking for introduction about digital drawing and painting.
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Nude Life Drawing Workshop at Visualartscentre Singapore

Nude Life Drawing with Artist Guidance Workshop

Try out our Nude Life Drawing Workshop with artist guidance and be blown away by your very own figure drawing!

Digital Drawing & Painting

Enrol in the Digital Drawing and Painting course, and learn digital drawing and painting over 12 sessions.
Chinese ink painting workshop

Chinese Ink Painting workshop

Taking place at Dhoby Ghaut Studio every Wednesday 7:30pm-9:45pm, join us for this art workshop to learn about Chinese ink painting.
Nude Life Drawing with Artist Guidance Workshop

Try out our Nude Life Drawing Workshop with artist guidance and be blown away by your very own figure drawing!

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Digital Drawing & Painting

Enrol in the Digital Drawing and Painting course, and learn digital drawing and painting over 12 sessions. 

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Chinese ink painting workshop
Chinese Ink Painting workshop
Taking place at Dhoby Ghaut Studio every Wednesday 7:30pm-9:45pm, join us for this art workshop to learn about Chinese ink painting.
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Our most popular workshop – Nude life drawing with Artist Guidance allows you to take a quick art workshop and explore the earliest academy art practice of the nude life subject.

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Join our most popular art course – Art Immersion – Drawing and Sketching, Acrylic Painting and Watercolour Painting.
All art materials included.

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Join us if you wanted to learn the hows of to draw Manga and Digital painting but never got around understanding the basics and digital software! Last call for registrations !

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Batik painting is a unique heritage of Southeast Asia and produces wonderful results. Not only is Batik easy to learn, but anyone can use the technique to produce beautiful pieces of art. 

Enquire with us for upcoming sessions!

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Accommodates beginners to advanced learners. We provide private art classes for various art mediums such as oil painting, gouache, acrylic painting, and more!

Have an Art Jamming for your kid’s birthday party! Let them explore and have fun with paint on different materials from canvases to t-shirts.

Personalised cute and fun t-shirts with Acrylic Painting! Great for Kid’s Birthday Parties or even Company retreats for Team Bonding.

Paint on Tote Bags with your friends/family to your own liking. Perfect for gifts or everyday carry.


Join us and Book for an Art Course / Art Class

Visual Arts Centre Art Studio is an arts organization supported by National Parks Board that offers professional Art courses for all ages. Art courses suitable for adults includes Drawing & Sketching, Urban Sketching, Acrylic Painting, Oil Painting, Watercolour Painting, Chinese Ink Painting, Nude/Portrait Life Drawing, Figure Drawing, and even one-to-one Private Art Class! Art classes suitable for kids and teenagers includes our Creative Kids Arts Immersion, Portfolio Preparation Course for those looking to apply for Art Schools and DSA, Holiday Art Programmes as well as various workshops. Our art lessons are conducted in a small and conducive setting, with professional instructors equipped with years of experience providing specific instructions and guidance tailored according to your skill and experience.

All art courses offered in our studio is suitable for those with all levels of experience, from beginner to advanced learners. With the curriculum built to teach you from foundational techniques to advanced knowledge, you will be able to increase your proficiency in the medium quickly. To better aid in your learning, we place emphasis on providing flexibility in timing for our students. Immerse yourself in a calming and conductive learning environment, situated right above Dhoby Ghaut MRT Station and within Dhoby Ghaut Green, the flora and fauna surrounding the studio makes it a prime spot for creative works.

Visual Arts Centre has another art studio at AZ@Paya Lebar, seated at a the cross point of various modes of transports. With greeneries as the main theme, the studio provides a conducive environment that allows students to de-stress and practice their craft with no restrictions.

We are fully equipped with the facilities and materials to allow you to paint in an actual Art Studio space, with easels, drawing/painting boards, oil paints, brushes, painting knives, palette, linseed oils, aprons, turpentine, pencils, charcoal, erasers… everything you would ever need to paint! All art materials are provided by us. This is especially useful for beginners unsure of the materials you would require, what works and does not work for your painting. Instead of investing in materials you do not require or know how to use efficiently, you can make use of our Art Studio and learn the proper techniques and skills and freely explore without worrying about the costs of materials and storage of your paints.

Whether you are a beginner or with intermediate to advanced painting experience, our Art Studio will be a comfortable space for you to learn and develop your practice in Oil Painting, Drawing & Sketching, Acrylic Painting  and more.

(新加坡)视觉艺术中心是新加坡公园局支持的艺术机构,中心开办专业美术绘画课程,针对成人开设的绘画课程有素描/速写、丙烯画、油画、水彩、水墨课、人物肖像写生、人体写生、定制的一对一私教课。针对儿童和青少年开办儿童创意绘画课、报考美院和DSA计划的作品集准备培训课程、学生假期艺术营及艺术工作坊等;授课导师都是从事绘画教学多年,具有专业学院派绘画水准、教学经验丰富。中心开办的绘画课程适合零基础和不同绘画水准,由浅入深,让不同绘画程度的学员都能在短时间明显提升。授课方式轻松灵活、时间自由。绘画课室环境清幽,置身于多美歌地铁站上方的多美歌公园中,繁华都市里的一片绿地,花草树木围绕的玻璃屋建筑,绿草茵茵、花香四溢。视觉艺术中心的另一间画室在 AZ@Paya Lebar ,交通十分便利,画室装修考究,艺术氛围浓郁,学员们来画画,感受愉快轻松艺术气氛的同时也享受闹中取静的大自然环境,彻底减轻压力、陶冶性情、描绘心境、与心独处、开发潜质、创意无限。



(Tap on sessions below to find out more)

If you are looking for Holiday Art Classes for kids in Singapore, look no further! Visual Arts Centre offer Kids Holiday Art Exploration Course for kids who want wish to explore Manga and Illustration, Urban Landscape Sketching, Graffiti and Multi-Media Abstract Exploration. Let your kids spend their holidays with Visual Arts Centre – pick up new art skills, learn new art mediums, experiment and cultivate their creativity! The Art Exploration Series has the aim to help kids explore the various mediums of art outside of the fine-arts learning that we have as part of our ongoing courses. It allows them the opportunity to be in touch with different forms of art, and find out a new niche that is to their interest! Build up their creative minds and open up new possibilities, as well as let them have a space to fully explore their inner thoughts and creativity!      3. Drawing & Sketching Course

Drawing and Sketching Art Course 素描课程

The practice of drawing and sketching is the foundation of all visual arts for anyone from teenager to working adult. Through the usage of line and tone, solidity and depth is achieved, giving life to three-dimensional forms on a piece of paper.

  • Drawing and Sketching Art Course 素描课程

The practice of drawing and sketching is the foundation of all visual arts for anyone from teenager to working adult. Through the usage of line and tone, solidity and depth is achieved, giving life to three-dimensional forms on a piece of paper.

Visual Arts Centre Acrylic Painting_course_singapore_best_acrylic_painting_art_course_singapore

Acrylic Painting Art Course 丙烯课程

Interested in picking up a new set of skills? Why not try out our Acrylic Painting Course at Singapore’s Visual Arts Centre! Acrylic Painting is an interesting medium that has many advantages, mainly known for being water-soluble and polymer based making it an easy medium to manipulate to create vibrant works

  • Acrylic Painting Art Course 丙烯课程

Interested in picking up a new set of skills? Why not try out our Acrylic Painting Course at Singapore’s Visual Arts Centre! Acrylic Painting is an interesting medium that has many advantages, mainly known for being water-soluble and polymer based making it an easy medium to manipulate to create vibrant works

Watercolour painting art course

Are you interested in Professional Watercolour Painting Course? Pop by Visual Arts Centre to learn how to paint using watercolour! In our studio, you will be able to learn how to paint a wide variety of subjects – from still life set-ups, landscapes and sceneries, portraits, flora and fauna and many more! Join us in studio to master the art of watercolour.

  • Watercolour painting art course

Are you interested in Professional Watercolour Painting Course? Pop by Visual Arts Centre to learn how to paint using watercolour! In our studio, you will be able to learn how to paint a wide variety of subjects – from still life set-ups, landscapes and sceneries, portraits, flora and fauna and many more! Join us in studio to master the art of watercolour.


Oil Painting Art Course 油画课程

At Visual Arts Centre Art Studio, we provide professional oil painting classes at 2 hour 15 minutes per session for beginner to advanced levels. You will be taught materials knowledge and painting techniques through an academy-school approach, with the guidance of our professional teacher, who is a professionally trained artist.

  • Oil Painting Art Course 油画课程

At Visual Arts Centre Art Studio, we provide professional oil painting classes at 2 hour 15 minutes per session for beginner to advanced levels. You will be taught materials knowledge and painting techniques through an academy-school approach, with the guidance of our professional teacher, who is a professionally trained artist.

Chinese Ink Painting & Calligraphy Art Course 水墨画工作坊

In this affordable class, students will be introduced to learn the Chinese brush strokes techniques, materials and skills required in Chinese Ink Painting. The art form itself is tricky to master – the brushstrokes and the way to manoeuvre ink and water.

  • Chinese Ink Painting & Calligraphy Art Course 水墨画工作坊

In this affordable class, students will be introduced to learn the Chinese brush strokes techniques, materials and skills required in Chinese Ink Painting. The art form itself is tricky to master – the brushstrokes and the way to manoeuvre ink and water.

Adult watercolour art class – Still life painting at Visualartscentre Singapore

Art Immersion – max of 3 medium(s) – drawing/sketching, acrylic painting, watercolour painting

This course is suitable for all levels, from adult and teenager to those who are keen on looking to get exposed to the arts or a Portfolio for school submission. In this Express 48 Sessions Art Immersion Course, students will be provided with a solid foundation in Drawing and Sketching, Watercolour Painting and Acrylic Painting, and we will coach and guide students for Portfolio Preparation, or to strengthen their skills and techniques in building towards an independent career as an artist.

  • Art Immersion – max of 3 medium(s) – drawing/sketching, acrylic painting, watercolour painting

This course is suitable for all levels, from adult and teenager to those who are keen on looking to get exposed to the arts or a Portfolio for school submission. In this Express 48 Sessions Art Immersion Course, students will be provided with a solid foundation in Drawing and Sketching, Watercolour Painting and Acrylic Painting, and we will coach and guide students for Portfolio Preparation, or to strengthen their skills and techniques in building towards an independent career as an artist.

Trial Sessions At the visual arts centre

Creative Kids Art Immersion Course – creative exploration and learning in various art mediums for ages five to nine

Creative Kids Art Immersion Course by Visual Arts Centre provides opportunities for children (aged 5-9 years) to develop artistic and practical creative knowledge and skills through a range of medium, forms and expressions. Students will be able to experience different mediums such as Acrylic, Oil Pastels, Markers, and Watercolour through this engaging Creative Kids Art Immersion Course!

  • Creative Kids Art Immersion Course – creative exploration and learning in various art mediums for ages five to nine

Creative Kids Art Immersion Course by Visual Arts Centre provides opportunities for children (aged 5-9 years) to develop artistic and practical creative knowledge and skills through a range of medium, forms and expressions. Students will be able to experience different mediums such as Acrylic, Oil Pastels, Markers, and Watercolour through this engaging Creative Kids Art Immersion Course!

Portfolio Preparation Course For DSA-Secondary/JC

Thinking of embarking on your art portfolio preparation journey? Join us here at Visual Arts Centre to prep your portfolio for DSA. Suitable for learners looking for a foundation training course and art portfolio preparation class for DSA secondary and DSA tertiary to enrol in various art schools! 

  • Portfolio Preparation Course For DSA-Secondary/JC

Thinking of embarking on your art portfolio preparation journey? Join us here at Visual Arts Centre to prep your portfolio for DSA. Suitable for learners looking for a foundation training course and art portfolio preparation class for DSA secondary and DSA tertiary to enrol in various art schools! 

Portfolio Preparation Course For Diploma/Tertiary

Art Portfolio for Diploma level and above requires specific contents that are unique to that specialisation and major. A portfolio made for Interior Design will definitely be different from one made for Animation! The art portfolio preparation process is not as simple as just putting together doodles and drawings that you have collected over the years. Each schools have their own criteria, portfolio artworks requirements and submission deadlines.

  • Portfolio Preparation Course For Diploma/Tertiary

Art Portfolio for Diploma level and above requires specific contents that are unique to that specialisation and major. A portfolio made for Interior Design will definitely be different from one made for Animation! The art portfolio preparation process is not as simple as just putting together doodles and drawings that you have collected over the years. Each schools have their own criteria, portfolio artworks requirements and submission deadlines.

Digital Drawing and Painting & Manga Art

Established in 2016, Visual Arts Centre Singapore introduced professional art courses and trained nearly 3000 students to cultivate their personal interest and career development. With the demand in ever-changing skills required in the art industry, Visual Arts Centre Singapore introduces a Professional Manga Drawing & Digital Painting Course where students would learn manga foundation, manga drawing skills with digital drawing and painting techniques. Students will also be exposed to hands-on traditional landscape and digital landscape painting skills to enable them to have a better grasp in foundational proportionate drawing.

  • Digital Drawing and Painting & Manga Art

Established in 2016, Visual Arts Centre Singapore introduced professional art courses and trained nearly 3000 students to cultivate their personal interest and career development. With the demand in ever-changing skills required in the art industry, Visual Arts Centre Singapore introduces a Professional Manga Drawing & Digital Painting Course where students would learn manga foundation, manga drawing skills with digital drawing and painting techniques. Students will also be exposed to hands-on traditional landscape and digital landscape painting skills to enable them to have a better grasp in foundational proportionate drawing.

Our Schedule

new vac schedule 2024 dhoby ghaut

For Art Course Enquiry, please email [email protected]
OR Call /WhatsApp us at 6255 0711.

Various Creative Art Workshops & Team Bonding Programmes available too!

Those who seek more creative workshops for individuals or groups may contact us for tailored art activities and workshops offered under Team Bonding Art Jamming / Group Art Programmes. Multiple creative art jamming and themed workshops are offered such as Batik Painting, Graffiti Spray Painting, Acrylic Painting Art Jamming etc.

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You can also contact us directly and have a chat with us for all of your enquiry.

We’ll be happy to help!

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Foundation In Digital Art

Embark on a captivating journey into the vibrant world of digital art! Our Foundation in Digital Art workshop invites budding creatives aged nine and above to unleash their imagination and hone their artistic skills in a dynamic, supportive environment. From mastering basic digital tools to crafting mesmerizing digital masterpieces, children will explore a spectrum of techniques guided by seasoned mentors. Through hands-on activities and interactive sessions, participants will discover the endless possibilities of digital expression while fostering creativity and critical thinking. Join us for an exhilarating adventure where young artists transform ideas into stunning visual realities, igniting a passion for digital art

Colour & Texture Exploration With Acrylic Painting & Collage

Prepare to unleash your inner artist in a kaleidoscope of color and creativity with ‘Colour Blast: Acrylic Painting & Collage Techniques’! Dive into a whirlwind adventure where vibrant hues and mesmerizing textures collide in a symphony of imagination. From mastering the art of seamless color blending to discovering the magic of mixed media collage, this journey is a playground for your artistic soul. With each brushstroke, explore new techniques that breathe life into your canvas, transforming it into a vibrant tapestry of expression. Join us and let your creativity run wild as you embark on this colorful escapade!”

World of Manga [Foundation & Styling]

A manga art workshop for children and teenagers sounds like a fantastic idea! Here’s how you might structure it:
Introduction to Manga: Begin by introducing what manga is, its history, and its influence on popular culture worldwide. Show examples of different manga styles and genres to give participants an overview.
Basic Drawing Techniques: Start with the fundamentals of drawing, such as line work, shapes, and proportions. Provide step-by-step instructions on how to draw basic manga characters, focusing on simple shapes that can be built upon.
Character Design: Move on to character design concepts, including creating unique characters, designing their personalities, and developing backstories. Encourage participants to get creative and think outside the box.
Expression and Emotion: Teach how to convey emotions and expressions through facial expressions, body language, and positioning of characters. This can be a fun and interactive exercise where participants practice drawing various emotions.
Storytelling and Paneling: Explore the basics of storytelling in manga, including paneling techniques, pacing, and layout. Show examples of different panel structures and discuss how they affect the flow of the story.
Inking and Coloring: Introduce participants to inking techniques using pens or markers. You can also cover digital inking for those interested. Then, demonstrate basic coloring techniques using markers, colored pencils, or digital software.
Feedback and Collaboration: Provide opportunities for participants to share their work and receive feedback from their peers and instructors. Encourage collaboration by having them work together on short manga projects or collaborative drawings.
Final Showcase: End the workshop with a showcase of participants’ work. This could be in the form of an exhibition, digital gallery, or printed booklet. Celebrate everyone’s creativity and progress throughout the workshop.
Remember to create a supportive and encouraging environment where participants feel free to express themselves and explore their creativity. And don’t forget to have fun! Manga is all about imagination and passion, so let that spirit shine through in your workshop.

Academy Drawing Traditions

The academy drawing and sketching tradition, rooted in centuries of artistic practice, emphasizes disciplined study of form, proportion, and technique. Originating from Renaissance workshops and formalized by institutions like the Royal Academy, it prioritizes meticulous observation and mastery of fundamental skills. Students progress from basic exercises to complex compositions, learning to depict still life and common objects with precision and expression. This tradition values both classical principles and innovation, encouraging artists to push boundaries while maintaining a deep respect for tradition. Through rigorous training and critique, artists within this tradition cultivate a strong foundation for creative exploration and artistic excellence.

Chinese Ink Painting and Calligraphy

This course on Chinese ink painting and calligraphy introduces young learners to the rich traditions of Chinese art. Through hands-on activities, students explore the basics of brush techniques, ink control, and the delicate art of Chinese script. They learn to appreciate the cultural significance of calligraphy and painting, developing skills in creating elegant strokes and expressive brushwork. The course fosters creativity, patience, and fine motor skills, while also providing insights into Chinese history and aesthetics. By the end, children gain confidence in their artistic abilities and a deeper understanding of Chinese cultural heritage.

Funk with Graffiti

Funk With Graffiti Workshop for children is an engaging and creative program aimed at introducing young artists to the vibrant world of graffiti and funk-inspired street style art. Participants learn the basics of graffiti history, techniques, and safety. Guided by professional graffiti artists, children explore the art of designing their unique tags, emphasizing creativity, expression, and individuality. The workshop includes hands-on activities, from sketching concepts to creating final designs with spray paint on provided surfaces. By the end of the session, children gain confidence in their artistic abilities and an appreciation for graffiti and funk as legitimate forms of street art. Each child completes two original artworks, which they proudly take home, showcasing their newfound skills and personal style.

Batik Tales

In the Batik Introduction Handkerchief Painting workshop, participants will learn the traditional art of batik, a wax-resist dyeing technique originating from Indonesia. The workshop begins with a brief history and overview of batik, highlighting its cultural significance and various techniques. Participants will then observe a demonstration of applying wax with tjanting tools and dyeing the fabric. Following the demonstration, each participant will design and create their own batik handkerchief, applying wax to create patterns and then dyeing their fabric. The workshop concludes with a group discussion, allowing participants to share their creations and reflect on their learning experience.