Commissioning Custom made portraits/nude life by professional artists

Commissioning Custom made portraits/nude life by professional artists Commissioned custom made portraits and nude life painting by our professional artists! Eternal Memories for yourself or your loved ones At the Visual Arts Centre, we provide commissioned custom made portraits and nude life done by our team of professional artists! Choose to have the commissioned works …

SMRT unveils series of murals depicting history of neighbourhoods

SMRT unveils series of murals depicting history of neighbourhoods The mural at Toa Payoh MRT station is the first of 35 to be launched in conjunction with SMRT’s 35th anniversary. SINGAPORE – Passengers passing through the gantry at Toa Payoh MRT station will find it hard to miss the almost 7m long comic-style mural showcasing …


《纪念刘抗诞辰111周年—刘抗书画遗作展》 《纪念刘抗诞辰111周年—刘抗书画遗作展》 自2019年年末至今,新冠疫情已持续两年之久,各行各业在疫情期间都受到重创,新加坡的艺术市场在原有的低迷状态上更是雪上加霜,新加坡好多专职画家由于作品销售缓慢,生活和创作都受到影响。本地一些艺术机构原本要举办的拍卖或展览只好取消或延期。人们在“宅家”日子里,网上学习、网上工作。许多艺术机构开设“云画展”,让艺术爱好者在网上欣赏虚拟的展览,但这种“云展览”和线下实体展览是无法相比的。欣赏者少了一些参与感和空间体验感,也少了和作品近距离接触的热情和共鸣。 随着新加坡从4月26日开始,解除绝大部分防疫措施,社交聚会、堂食和家庭访客人数将不再设限。政府公布新的防疫措施给各行各业带来好消息,复苏有望,相信已低迷许久的艺术市场迎来了曙光。在各行各业复苏之际,Asia art collective 将于6月1日在视觉艺术中心麦波申展览厅举办《纪念刘抗诞辰111周年——刘抗书画遗作展》,这个展览也是视觉艺术中心新的展厅第一次活动,也是疫情过后的第一个展览。将展出刘抗的油画、水墨、粉彩、书法40幅。 新加坡“先驱画家”有四位,钟四滨、陈宗瑞、陈文希和刘抗。 刘抗(1911-2004),是艺术大师刘海粟得意门生,1928-1933留学法国,1934 -1937任上海美术专科学校西洋画教授,1936年和陈人浩令妹陈人儐女士于上海第一百货公司共结连理。1937年移居马来西亚麻坡,1942年定居新加坡。先后担任过上海美术专科学校西洋画专任教授,全国第二届美展评审委员,新加坡中华美术研究会会长,新加坡艺术协会会长,新加坡文化部美术咨询委员会主席,开创了“南洋画”派,是新加坡画坛泰斗,作品为50多个国家画院、美术馆、博物馆、大学和几十位国家元首收藏。 记得2013年,我们Asia art collective画廊刚刚运营时,我们第一个画展就是“新加坡第一代艺术先驱画展”展出了钟四滨、陈文希、陈宗瑞、刘抗南洋四大画家遗作精品。如今又有机会和藏家合作,展出刘抗遗作,这次展出作品以刘抗书法作品为主,多数藏家熟悉刘抗的油画作品,刘抗水墨和书法作品并不多见,刘抗生前是勤奋专研的画家,他的油画、水墨、书法都功力雄厚,凭着刘抗的艺术造诣和对新加坡艺术的贡献,他被尊为新加坡“画坛泰斗”,真是当之无愧,刘抗的作品值得艺术爱好者欣赏学习、值得藏家收藏。 刘抗于1911年4月1日出生,于2004年6月1日去世,我们举办这个展览为的纪念刘抗诞辰111周年,同时让新加坡新一代年轻人更了解新加坡艺术历史。我们视觉艺术中心全体人员欢迎大家前来参加这个有意义的纪念活动,让我们缅怀纪念新加坡艺术先驱刘抗先生,前来欣赏他的画作,同时和界内人士探讨未来的艺术市场走势 Iola Liu 刘婉婷 (9239 8226) Written on: 27 April 2022 Exhibition Date: 1st – 13th June 2022 Venue: Visual Arts Centre MacPhersion Studio, 140 Paya Lebar Road, #03-04, AZ@Paya Lebar S(409015) Visual Arts Centre & Asia Art Collective 请关注我们!请在我们的Facebook网页点赞 For any …

5 Steps to Tell Your Story Through Painting

1. Find a Story Art is all about discovering the beauty in the mundane. Open up your eyes, ears, nose as you engage with your surroundings. Anything can be turned into a story if they fall in the right place and right time. Now, think of an event, a place, a time. It can be …

4 Ways Art Therapy Can Help You De-Stress

4 Ways Art Therapy Can Help You De-Stress As the holidays looms before us, it is the time of the year when we enjoy the fruit of our year’s worth of labour. While the holidays are much sought after, many of us also battle with the dilemma of what to do with this sudden surge …

5 Reasons to Practise Life / Figure Drawing

5 Reasons to Practise Life / Figure Drawing 5 Reasons to Practise Life Drawing Life drawing, or figure drawing, is arguably one of the top most challenging subjects an artist could face. It teaches the artist to recognise proportions and learn the importance of tones. Without clothes, the model represents a timeless fashion that travels …

What is Digital Art?

What is Digital Art? Digital Art can be seen everywhere, and is part and parcel of the creation of many things we see around us; Animation, Media Advertisements, Movies, Furniture and Props, etc. It is part of the production pipeline for our favourite shows and films like Moana, Your Name, Spiderman and more! So what …

Chinese Ink Painting Artist Feature: Chua Ek Kay

Chinese Ink Painting Artist Feature: Chua Ek Kay Traditional Chinese Ink Painting has a rich history. Influenced by both religion and philosophy, this Oriental art form offers aesthetics that are rich beyond belief. Two Birds, 1705 – Bada Shanren Chinese Art is defined by 3 main subjects – Poetry, Painting and Calligraphy. These 3 topics …

Art Buzz: What are art auctions?

Art Buzz: What are art auctions? Welcome to the first installment of Art Buzz – a series of blog posts where we bring you interesting news about the Art world to you! Have you ever wondered what are art auctions and how they work? In films and televisions, art auctions appear to be for the …

Art Buzz: Damaged Art is No Longer Art?

Art Buzz: Damaged Art is No Longer Art? After spending months of hard work trying to perfect your oil painting, and whoops! You accidentally spilled some turpentine all over your work, smearing all the colors into a puddle of mess… What happens if this happens to a work done by a famous painter? Oil paintings, …

Foundation In Digital Art

Embark on a captivating journey into the vibrant world of digital art! Our Foundation in Digital Art workshop invites budding creatives aged nine and above to unleash their imagination and hone their artistic skills in a dynamic, supportive environment. From mastering basic digital tools to crafting mesmerizing digital masterpieces, children will explore a spectrum of techniques guided by seasoned mentors. Through hands-on activities and interactive sessions, participants will discover the endless possibilities of digital expression while fostering creativity and critical thinking. Join us for an exhilarating adventure where young artists transform ideas into stunning visual realities, igniting a passion for digital art

Colour & Texture Exploration With Acrylic Painting & Collage

Prepare to unleash your inner artist in a kaleidoscope of color and creativity with ‘Colour Blast: Acrylic Painting & Collage Techniques’! Dive into a whirlwind adventure where vibrant hues and mesmerizing textures collide in a symphony of imagination. From mastering the art of seamless color blending to discovering the magic of mixed media collage, this journey is a playground for your artistic soul. With each brushstroke, explore new techniques that breathe life into your canvas, transforming it into a vibrant tapestry of expression. Join us and let your creativity run wild as you embark on this colorful escapade!”

World of Manga [Foundation & Styling]

A manga art workshop for children and teenagers sounds like a fantastic idea! Here’s how you might structure it:
Introduction to Manga: Begin by introducing what manga is, its history, and its influence on popular culture worldwide. Show examples of different manga styles and genres to give participants an overview.
Basic Drawing Techniques: Start with the fundamentals of drawing, such as line work, shapes, and proportions. Provide step-by-step instructions on how to draw basic manga characters, focusing on simple shapes that can be built upon.
Character Design: Move on to character design concepts, including creating unique characters, designing their personalities, and developing backstories. Encourage participants to get creative and think outside the box.
Expression and Emotion: Teach how to convey emotions and expressions through facial expressions, body language, and positioning of characters. This can be a fun and interactive exercise where participants practice drawing various emotions.
Storytelling and Paneling: Explore the basics of storytelling in manga, including paneling techniques, pacing, and layout. Show examples of different panel structures and discuss how they affect the flow of the story.
Inking and Coloring: Introduce participants to inking techniques using pens or markers. You can also cover digital inking for those interested. Then, demonstrate basic coloring techniques using markers, colored pencils, or digital software.
Feedback and Collaboration: Provide opportunities for participants to share their work and receive feedback from their peers and instructors. Encourage collaboration by having them work together on short manga projects or collaborative drawings.
Final Showcase: End the workshop with a showcase of participants’ work. This could be in the form of an exhibition, digital gallery, or printed booklet. Celebrate everyone’s creativity and progress throughout the workshop.
Remember to create a supportive and encouraging environment where participants feel free to express themselves and explore their creativity. And don’t forget to have fun! Manga is all about imagination and passion, so let that spirit shine through in your workshop.

Academy Drawing Traditions

The academy drawing and sketching tradition, rooted in centuries of artistic practice, emphasizes disciplined study of form, proportion, and technique. Originating from Renaissance workshops and formalized by institutions like the Royal Academy, it prioritizes meticulous observation and mastery of fundamental skills. Students progress from basic exercises to complex compositions, learning to depict still life and common objects with precision and expression. This tradition values both classical principles and innovation, encouraging artists to push boundaries while maintaining a deep respect for tradition. Through rigorous training and critique, artists within this tradition cultivate a strong foundation for creative exploration and artistic excellence.

Chinese Ink Painting and Calligraphy

This course on Chinese ink painting and calligraphy introduces young learners to the rich traditions of Chinese art. Through hands-on activities, students explore the basics of brush techniques, ink control, and the delicate art of Chinese script. They learn to appreciate the cultural significance of calligraphy and painting, developing skills in creating elegant strokes and expressive brushwork. The course fosters creativity, patience, and fine motor skills, while also providing insights into Chinese history and aesthetics. By the end, children gain confidence in their artistic abilities and a deeper understanding of Chinese cultural heritage.

Funk with Graffiti

Funk With Graffiti Workshop for children is an engaging and creative program aimed at introducing young artists to the vibrant world of graffiti and funk-inspired street style art. Participants learn the basics of graffiti history, techniques, and safety. Guided by professional graffiti artists, children explore the art of designing their unique tags, emphasizing creativity, expression, and individuality. The workshop includes hands-on activities, from sketching concepts to creating final designs with spray paint on provided surfaces. By the end of the session, children gain confidence in their artistic abilities and an appreciation for graffiti and funk as legitimate forms of street art. Each child completes two original artworks, which they proudly take home, showcasing their newfound skills and personal style.

Batik Tales

In the Batik Introduction Handkerchief Painting workshop, participants will learn the traditional art of batik, a wax-resist dyeing technique originating from Indonesia. The workshop begins with a brief history and overview of batik, highlighting its cultural significance and various techniques. Participants will then observe a demonstration of applying wax with tjanting tools and dyeing the fabric. Following the demonstration, each participant will design and create their own batik handkerchief, applying wax to create patterns and then dyeing their fabric. The workshop concludes with a group discussion, allowing participants to share their creations and reflect on their learning experience.