What is Portrait Art? “Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter.” – Oscar Wilde What is Portrait Art? Defined as an artistic representation of a person, in which the face is the main theme, portrait art is one of the most prominent art genres throughout …
Category Archives: blogs
What is Landscape Art?
What is Landscape Art? “A good landscape painting is not just a demonstration of competent application of paint. It must offer a feeling of homage to the subject.” – Keith Shackleton What is Landscape Art? With its principal subject being a scenic view, for example: forests, valleys, mountains, trees, and rivers, landscape art has evolved …
What is Still Life Art?
What is Still Life Art? “Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter.” – Oscar Wilde What is Portrait Art? Defined as an artistic representation of a person, in which the face is the main theme, portrait art is one of the most prominent art genres …
Connect with Your Artistic Side at Visual Arts Centre
Connect with Your Artistic Side at Visual Arts Centre Located in the scenic lush green habitat of Dhoby Ghaut Green, Visual Arts Centre (VAC) is a 5500 square feet glass-house exhibition gallery and studio. This unique combination of an exhibition gallery and a studio provides a comfortable, immersive and educational experience of the visual arts …
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陈振文水墨·篆刻个展 无心的空灵意趣
陈振文水墨·篆刻个展 无心的空灵意趣 本地艺术家陈振文举行大型水墨与篆刻展,展出花鸟鱼画40几幅,篆刻150件。
新加坡专业人体写生课程,就在视觉艺术中心 人体彩绘专业学习 人体彩绘专业学习, 视觉艺术中心自从开办人体写生课以来,吸引了一些绘画爱好者来参加课程,如果你是初学者,从没画过人体画,甚至从未画过画,请不用担心,敢敢来挑战自己,来学习人体写生。 人体写生课 经过专业导师的指点,抓住要领,寥寥几笔,恰到好处地把一个活生生的人体搬到你的画板上,看上去有模有样,感觉好专业啊!你可以在短短的一节课里,轻松入门人体画。如果你在绘画上有基础,你也可以加入我们,老师会根据你的绘画经验给予指点提升,你可以用水彩完成人体写生画,课程内容灵活,你可以学到人体结构、人体动态、皮肤质感表现等等,别犹豫啦!快来报名吧,体验一次性人体写生入门课程。 水彩人体写生 学生认真绘画中 人体写生课 学生可以用水彩完成作业 学生可以用铅笔或炭条完成作业 报名电话:62550711 / 67332155 视觉艺术中心每个星期四会有体写生课! 时间:每逢星期四,7.30pm – 10pm. 关于人体写生课的详细内容或资料, 请和视觉艺术中心联络! 课程地址:视觉艺术中心,10 Penang Road, #01-02, Dhoby Ghaut Green, S(238469) 多美歌地铁站 B 出口左转30米处。画室在公园草坪中。 课程收费:$65.00 (此价格包括所有材料费和模特费) 报名网址:https://visualartscentre.sg/courses/nude-life-figure-drawing-workshop-with-artist-guidance/ 网站:www.visualartscentre.sg 请关注我们的网站,关注各种专业艺术课程和画展消息。 Our Location Dhoby Ghaut Art Studio Address: 10 Penang Road, #01-02 Dhoby Ghaut Green,Singapore 238469 Exit …
A Work In Progress: My Art Journey at Visual Arts Centre
A Work In Progress: My Art Journey at Visual Arts Centre A Work In Progress: My Art Journey at Visual Arts Centre By Stephanie Ng My love for art began as a little girl, but ever since academic pressure and the heavy toll of school work and projects set in, I never really had the …
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8 Reasons why you should paint with watercolour
8 Reasons why you should paint with watercolour 8 Reasons why you should paint with Watercolour! Wondering if it is a good idea to start picking up watercolour painting? Here are 8 reasons why you should seriously paint with watercolour. 1. Watercolour Painting is easy to pick up Never tried painting with watercolours before? …
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It Changed My Life: Breathing life into clay after cancer shock
Ong Hwee Suan was diagnosed with stage 4 thyroid cancer when she was 43. She had three surgeries to remove 174 lymph nodes. She decided to use her love for pottery to create 174 pieces of work.
速写练好了,就能随心所欲游欧洲了!Quick Sketching
速写练好了,就能随心所欲游欧洲了!Quick Sketching Pack you bags and get ready to fly! Aren’t we all always excited to travel? We think of the never-ending food to eat and beautiful places to take in. When we arrive at our destination, landscapes and scenes unfold before our eyes. We hold up our phones and cameras, off we go snapping …