Creative Kids Art Immersion Course by Visual Arts Centre provides opportunities for children (aged 4-9 years) to develop artistic knowledge and skills through a range of media, forms and expressions.
Category Archives: Blog – Others
CNY Chinese Ink Painting Team Building – Visual Arts Centre Art Jamming
CNY Chinese Ink Painting Team Building – Visual Arts Centre Art Jamming It is that time of year again, a time where the Chinese new year spirit is alive and thriving. Thus, to celebrate the Lunar New Year, the Visual Arts Centre is holding a Chinese Ink Painting Team building exercise during the Spring season! …
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Art Class for Pre-School Children – Is It Beneficial to Them?
Art Class for Pre-School Children – Is It Beneficial to Them? As a parent, one may ask: is art good for my child? Will learning art be beneficial to the brain development of my child? Is kids art class good for pre-school education? We understand that most parents would want their child to build a …
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Where to learn Nude Life and Anatomy Drawing in Singapore?
Where to learn Nude Life and Anatomy Drawing in Singapore? Human anatomy – it is the one topic that daunts many artists worldwide. When we talk about anatomy and nude life drawing, one would find it extremely difficult. We would think that only professional artists can do that. Especially if its a live model sitting …
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Passion in Art – Watercolour Painting
Passion in Art – Watercolour Painting “Art is the activity by which a person, having experienced an emotion, intentionally transmits it to others” – Leo Tolstoy Are you keen on advancing your interests and skills in Art? In particular, watercolour painting? If that is the case, you might be interested in the watercolour painting classes …
10 important benefits of art classes for kids
10 Important Benefits of Art Classes for Kids 10 Important Benefits of Art Classes for Kids There is no doubt that art is an important aspect of every child’s life – be it scribbling on walls or finger painting, as children best express themselves through art at a young age. As parents, we should encourage …
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Reasons to learn watercolour painting
Reasons to learn watercolour painting Reasons to learn watercolour painting We conduct studio sessions for interested learners of watercolour painting where you will be guided to learn various techniques of watercolour painting Many beginners may feel challenged when it comes to using watercolours, however it is one of the most versatile forms of paintings.; they …
Benefits of learning art for children
Benefits of learning art for children Drawing and painting are the most basic ways to get started on learning art and being creative. Therefore it comes naturally for children to want to use it as an outlet to express or have fun. According to the early years non-profit organisation Zero to Three, most children are …
画画是一种寄托,快来学习专业绘画技巧,用笔画出属于自己的世界! 画画是一种寄托,快来学习专业绘画技巧,用笔画出属于自己的世界! 新加坡视觉艺术中心是国家公园局支持的艺术机构,地址在多美歌地铁站上方草坪公园里,画室是绿色通透的玻璃屋建筑,身处花草树木大自然之中,绿草茵茵、环境清幽,在繁华的乌节路商业街还有这般闹中取静的好地方,可以远离城市喧嚣,安静下来走入画室,享受画画给自己带来的快乐吧! 新加坡视觉艺术中心开设学院派专业绘画课程,招收对象12岁以上艺术爱好者。导师根据学员的绘画程度量身定制艺术课程,无论你是零基础,或者有很好的绘画基础,经过导师指点培训,绘画程度都会显著提高。专业课程包括素描、速写、油画、水彩、丙烯、水墨、抽象、创作等课程。中心还开办针对真人模特的肖像写生课、人体写生课。 新加坡视觉艺术中心外观 Visual Arts Centre Exterior 视觉艺术中心展览厅,学员们可以每个星期观看到不同艺术家的画展 视觉艺术中心画室 Visual Arts Studio 专业艺术课程 (Professional Art Courses): 素描/速写 Drawing and Sketching 课程内容:静物写生、石膏几何写生、石膏五官形状写生、石膏肖像写生、临摹优秀素描作品、真人模特写生、人体素描、风景写生。速写课包括人物动态速写、建筑街景速写、人物肖像速写、人体速写。 静物之一 Still Life set-up 学员静物写生作品 Student’s completed work 静物之一 Still Life set-up 学员静物写生作品 Student’s completed work 静物之三 Still life set-up 学员静物写生作品 Student’s completed work 学员们在学习石膏像写生 Student working on plaster cast drawing 学员习作 Student’s completed plaster …
Learning art is therapeutic and relaxing!
Learning art is therapeutic and relaxing! Visual Arts Centre Exterior Art is a form of expression, come to Visual Arts Centre to learn how to draw and paint what you feel and observe around you! Use artistic skills to paint your world! Visual Arts Centre is an art institution supported by the National Parks Board. …
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