Why Draw? “Drawing is the root of all knowledge.” – Michelangelo Most children love to draw – it’s a undeniable fact that doodling on a piece of paper will keep any young child entertained. However, this love for drawing disappears once we hit adulthood – yet there are so many benefits to keeping up a …
Category Archives: Blog – Others
Pioneers of Singapore modern art display their works
Pioneers of Singapore modern art display their works An exhibition of artworks by 12 pioneers, aged 67 to 87, is on at the Visual Arts Centre A number of pioneers of the modern art movement in Singapore 50 years ago are still painting and sculpting today.
新加坡现代画50年展 创新无界限
新加坡现代画50年展 创新无界限 参与现代画画展的画家:(前排左起)唐近豪、何和应、邱瑞福、陈彬章、蔡荣恩、(后排左起)刘培和、郑志道、梁其 栋、林龙成、沈板亮、孙琴安。姚照宏不在图中。 本地有一批执着于创新艺术路线的画家,活跃于1960至1980年代,其中12名举行联展“历史与超越——新加坡现代画50年”,展示早年近期作品共40幅。 1963年10月,七位画家——黄明宗、何和应、陈贻僮、郑志道、吴仲达、黄奕全和董长英在国家图书馆举行第一个现代画会(Modern Art Society)展览,隔年注册成团体。当时社会以反映现实生活的具象画派为主流;纯粹意念,重视新造型与新技巧的现代主义作品非常少见,画会展览相当轰动,褒贬不一。其中郑志道作品遭受破坏。 发起人之一、曾任现代画会会长多年的何和应(81岁)在接受联合早报访问时说,当时画展支持者认为画家敢于呈现新作品;批评者指责作品纯粹抽象,看不懂。他说:“很多东西我们都看不懂,看不懂要研究,经过解释会懂。有些人说你们走得太快,但新气息是好的。艺术不是同一类一样风格,而是讲究多姿多彩。画会会员建立个人风格,而且最起码十年要出现新变化,这是我们这一批人的信念。” You can read the original article here.
第二届 啸涛小品展 名家集萃
继2016年的“第一届啸涛小品展”举办并获得好评,啸涛篆刻书画会与Asia Art Collective今年举办“第二届啸涛小品展”,展出多达70余件书画小品,尺寸约33乘33厘米或17乘68厘米。
Pottery exhibition for cancer survivors
Cancer survivor and ceramicist Suan Ong is organising a charity pottery exhibition to pay tribute to those battling cancer.
“胡姬魂“-莫尼艺术展 莫尼艺术展 , 你可能没看过莫尼的作品,也可能不了解莫尼的艺术,但是,我确信当莫尼的艺术呈现在你眼前是,你会为之震撼、激动。作品的每一个艺术符号都紧紧抓住你的感官、都牢牢地撞击着你的心灵,会让你的生命细胞顿时活跃、跳跃迸发起来,用激情四射形容一点都不过份。
Reasons why art is vital for your child’s development
Reasons why art is vital for your child’s development Art is vital for your child’s development Recently, Visual Arts Centre announced the opening of our exciting new Creative Kids Art Immersion course for children aged 4-10. Our team at VAC has long realised the need for art programmes catered to young children, thus we have …
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5 Reasons to Practise Life / Figure Drawing
5 Reasons to Practise Life / Figure Drawing 5 Reasons to Practise Life Drawing Life drawing, or figure drawing, is arguably one of the top most challenging subjects an artist could face. It teaches the artist to recognise proportions and learn the importance of tones. Without clothes, the model represents a timeless fashion that travels …
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Everything you need to know to stage your first independent art show in Singapore
Everything you need to know to stage your first independent art show in Singapore Are you an aspiring artist struggling to make a name for yourself in Singapore? Do you wish to share your art with the public and network with interested buyers? In recent years, local artists have started taking more independent initiative to …
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