What is Digital Art? Digital Art can be seen everywhere, and is part and parcel of the creation of many things we see around us; Animation, Media Advertisements, Movies, Furniture and Props, etc. It is part of the production pipeline for our favourite shows and films like Moana, Your Name, Spiderman and more! So what …
Category Archives: Blog – Others
Chinese Ink Painting Artist Feature: Chua Ek Kay
Chinese Ink Painting Artist Feature: Chua Ek Kay Traditional Chinese Ink Painting has a rich history. Influenced by both religion and philosophy, this Oriental art form offers aesthetics that are rich beyond belief. Two Birds, 1705 – Bada Shanren Chinese Art is defined by 3 main subjects – Poetry, Painting and Calligraphy. These 3 topics …
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Art Buzz: What are art auctions?
Art Buzz: What are art auctions? Welcome to the first installment of Art Buzz – a series of blog posts where we bring you interesting news about the Art world to you! Have you ever wondered what are art auctions and how they work? In films and televisions, art auctions appear to be for the …
Art Buzz: Damaged Art is No Longer Art?
Art Buzz: Damaged Art is No Longer Art? After spending months of hard work trying to perfect your oil painting, and whoops! You accidentally spilled some turpentine all over your work, smearing all the colors into a puddle of mess… What happens if this happens to a work done by a famous painter? Oil paintings, …
Art Buzz: Chinese Ink Painting – Shuimo
Art Buzz: Chinese Ink Painting – Shuimo Chinese ink painting (國畫) is known to be one of the oldest form of traditional arts. Chinese ink paintings are usually done on scrolls or on rice paper. As most of us know, Chinese ink paintings are usually monochrome and features the use of limited colors. There are …
Activities To Do This School Holidays In Singapore
Activities To Do This School Holidays In Singapore Wonderful Kids Art Class For School Holiday The year-end holiday is around the corner and if you are wondering what fun activities in Singapore should your kids do? With the restriction of not being able to travel to your dream destination, most kid-friendly attractions including playgrounds and …
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Simple Steps to Tell Your Story Through Painting
Simple Steps to Tell Your Story Through Painting Simple Steps to Tell Your Story Through Painting 1. Find a Story Art is all about discovering the beauty in the mundane. Open up your eyes, ears, nose as you engage with your surroundings. Anything can be turned into a story if they fall in the right place …
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Foundational Figure Drawing Course At Visual Arts Centre
Foundational Figure Drawing Course At Visual Arts Centre Learn Figure Drawing as a Beginner at Visual Art Centre! Visual Arts Centre presents the best portrait drawing course in Singapore, Study of Anatomy – The Art of Figure Drawing, a Foundational Figure Drawing Course that is perfect for you! Suitable for beginners and those with some …
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林子影艺术鉴赏 Art Appreciation – 追忆海派弟子林子影
林子影艺术鉴赏 Art Appreciation – 追忆海派弟子林子影 追忆海派弟子林子影 The Art and Life of Acclaimed Singaporean Artist Ling Cher Eng 林子影 林子影 (1940-1995年),新加坡 已故著 名画家,海派新 加坡弟子,师从海 派画家 范昌乾,是范昌乾 大弟子 亦是得 力门生。范昌乾乃 海派大师 王个簃、王一亭 的学生,50年代中 辗转居 民新加坡。1957年范昌 乾在中正中 学担任 美术老师时,林子影正 是青春 年少是便 跟随老 师学艺,林子影 对范 昌乾诗词、书画、篆刻无 不钦佩,下定决 心开始 学习中 国水墨画,他虚心 学习老 师的一招一式,勤学苦练,跟随老师 习画三十 年之久,直到范昌 乾87年过世为止。林子影得到 海派绘 画的真传,通过他 的作品 无论用笔、用墨、用色、布局处处 …
对新加坡人来说,收藏艺术品是一项好的投资`选择吗? Case Study 在新加坡,随着经济的飞速发展,新加坡外来投资移民的增加,新加坡政府的管理系统的完善,使新加坡成为人均收入最高的国家之一,人均国民生产总值(GDP)从2014年开始就已经达到了5万5千美金左右,在全球位居第七位,领先于世界众多国家a新加坡人民生活很富裕,生活水准高,人们对生活品质的要求也相应提高。大多数人有钱就买房、买车、炒股或者买奢侈品等,只有一小部分人选择投资艺术品。艺术品的投资回报率未必比前几样差,那么为什么收藏艺术品至今还是相对小众呢? 钟泗滨 (Cheong Soo Pieng) 作品 收藏其实是人生的一种境界,因为收藏品承载着历史和文化,承载着艺术审美和工艺传承。收藏艺术品有太多益处,通过收藏,增加文化修养和体会艺术品收藏带来的精神享受,同时由于艺术收藏品的稀有性和独特的价值,具有投资升值的功能。其次,通过收藏能结交收藏圈子里志同道合的朋友,有共同语言、共同见解,互相取长补短,相互促进,真正的建立良性的收藏观和认识观,从而更好地传播文化。 王金城 (Ong Kim Seng) 作品 在新加坡60年代和70年代,出现一批收藏家,他们大多是早期移民或者在本土出生,接受过华语教育,他们对中国的传统水墨画感兴趣。当时中国的国画名家作品价格低,新加坡藏家很容易买到价格合理的优秀作品。这些藏品如今的价格已经增长几百倍,甚至千倍,当初那些有眼光的藏家们,若是等到近几年才转手,他们当初的投资将会得到丰厚的回报。 若欲阅读全文,请点击这里。 More Case Studies 10 important benefits of art classes for kids 8 January 2020 Singapore’s Art Market Trends 21 July 2021 在网上也能学到专业的艺术课程! 24 May 2021 Load More