싱가포르 오차드로드의 한 상업용 건물이 중국인들의 화실로 사용되고 있다고 생각하시는 이유는 무엇인가요? 서둘러요! 보여드리겠습니다!

싱가포르 오차드로드의 한 상업용 건물이 중국인들의 화실로 사용되고 있다고 생각하시는 이유는 무엇인가요? 서둘러요! 보여드리겠습니다. 싱가포르 오차드로드의 한 상업용 건물이 중국인들의 화실로 사용되고 있다고 생각하시는 이유는 무엇인가요? 서둘러요! 보여드리겠습니다. 국립공원관리청의 지원을 받는 싱가포르 시각 예술 센터는 2016년 1월 31일부터 문을 열었습니다. 센터 전시장 개관 이후 세계적인 예술가들의 개인전 및 그룹전이 수차례 열렸으며, 센터 스튜디오에서는 성인과 어린이를 …


シンガポールのオーチャード・ロードにある商業施設が、中国人の絵画スタジオとして使われていると思うのはなぜ?急げ! 見せてくれ シンガポールのオーチャード・ロードにある商業施設が、中国人の絵画スタジオとして使われていると思うのはなぜ?急げ! 見せてくれ シンガポール・ビジュアル・アーツ・センターは、国立公園局の支援を受けて2016年1月31日に開館した。 開設以来、センターの展示ホールでは国際的なアーティストによる数々のテーマ別の個展やグループ展が開催され、センターの絵画スタジオでは大人や子供向けのプロフェッショナルな絵画教室が開かれている。 プロフェッショナルな絵画コースは、10歳以上の若者と大人を対象としており、ゼロからの基礎に適している。 デッサン・コースはアカデミックなスタイルで指導され、材料はすべて提供されます。 コースには、デッサン/スケッチ、油絵、水彩画、アクリル画、水墨画などがあります , 希望する中学校に入学するため、美術学校やDSAプログラムに申し込む若者向け,センターは準備のためにオープンする DSA Visual Arts アートポートフォリオトレーニングコース。歌で応える Diploma / Uni アート・ポートフォリオ準備コース。 マンガ基礎コース、デジタルペインティングコースもあります そして 手描きとインテリア・デザインの融合 そして 屋外風景スケッチ , バティックとグラフィティのクラス。カスタマイズされた1対1の個人授業コースもあります。 コースの詳細については、こちらをクリックしてお問い合わせください! トメ子スタジオ (Dhoby Ghaut Art Studio) マクファーソン・スタジオ (MacPherson Art Studio) シンガポールビジュアルアーツセンターは、完璧な教育システムを持って、講師はすべて学術的に訓練され、豊富な指導経験を持っている、講師は、絵画の異なるレベルの学生のためのパーソナライズされたプロフェッショナルコースをオーダーメイドし、学生のニーズに合わせて指導を行い、浅いから深いまでのコースを設計します。非常に強固な基盤を築くためにプロの絵画で、トレーニング後の学生を聞かせて、長期的な教育内容のアカデミーの指導者は、迅速な 「クラッシュ 」トレーニングコースとして設計されていますので、プロの絵画の知識を学び、独立した絵画を達成するために、時間の短い期間で、時間を節約し、作成する能力の独立することができます。 シンガポール・ビジュアル・アーツ・センターは過去9年間、国籍も人種も異なる5,000人以上の生徒を指導してきた。デッサンや絵画の水準はさまざまだが、ビジュアル・アーツ・センターで正式な訓練を受けた生徒たちはみな、大きく上達することができた。 基礎ゼロからスタートし、2~3年の学習で地元や海外の美術大学に入学する生徒もいれば、2年間の基礎訓練で自主制作ができるようになり、絵画コンクールで入賞する生徒もいる。自分の創造的な可能性を追求した生徒もいれば、画家になるという子供のころからの夢を実現した生徒もいる。自己価値を表現し、自信を高めた生徒もいれば、絵を描くための余暇を見つけた生徒もいる。 絵を描くことで、画家になるという子供のころからの夢を実現した生徒もいる。絵を描くことで、自信と自己価値を高めた生徒もいる。絵を描くことで、余暇の支えを見つけた生徒もいる。 講師が人体油絵スケッチのデモンストレーションをしている。 (シンガポール)ビジュアルアーツセンターでは、2016年1月のオープン以来、絵画の国際交流展を数多く開催しており、展示ホールは開放され、無料で作品を鑑賞することができる。 各国のアーティストの優れた作品を楽しむことができ、国民にとって便利である。 ビジュアル・アート・センターの参加者は、世界各国のアーティストの作品を楽しみ、絵画レッスンを受けながら芸術鑑賞を向上させる機会を得ている。 ビジュアル・アート・センター展示ホール スケッチ/スケッチ Drawing and Sketching コース内容:静物デッサン、人物デッサン、キャラクター動体デッサン、人体デッサン、風景デッサン、石膏デッサン、秀作模写、創作。 受講料:スケッチ・写生コース:12 クラス 12 …

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What to consider when renting a venue for your Private and closed door events?

What to consider when renting a venue for your Private and closed door events? 10 Factors to consider when renting a venue for your Private and closed door events? In Singapore, there are so many venue options and choices which you can choose from, however what should you consider when looking for a venue for …

What to consider when renting a venue for your Media functions and product launches?

What to consider when renting a venue for your Media functions and product launches? 10 Factors to consider when renting a venue for your Media Functions and Product Launches? In Singapore, there are so many venue options and choices which you can choose from, however what should you consider when looking for a venue for …

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What to consider when renting a venue for your Book launch and signing seminar?

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What to consider when renting a venue for your Pottery and craft exhibitions?

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Foundation In Digital Art

Embark on a captivating journey into the vibrant world of digital art! Our Foundation in Digital Art workshop invites budding creatives aged nine and above to unleash their imagination and hone their artistic skills in a dynamic, supportive environment. From mastering basic digital tools to crafting mesmerizing digital masterpieces, children will explore a spectrum of techniques guided by seasoned mentors. Through hands-on activities and interactive sessions, participants will discover the endless possibilities of digital expression while fostering creativity and critical thinking. Join us for an exhilarating adventure where young artists transform ideas into stunning visual realities, igniting a passion for digital art

Colour & Texture Exploration With Acrylic Painting & Collage

Prepare to unleash your inner artist in a kaleidoscope of color and creativity with ‘Colour Blast: Acrylic Painting & Collage Techniques’! Dive into a whirlwind adventure where vibrant hues and mesmerizing textures collide in a symphony of imagination. From mastering the art of seamless color blending to discovering the magic of mixed media collage, this journey is a playground for your artistic soul. With each brushstroke, explore new techniques that breathe life into your canvas, transforming it into a vibrant tapestry of expression. Join us and let your creativity run wild as you embark on this colorful escapade!”

World of Manga [Foundation & Styling]

A manga art workshop for children and teenagers sounds like a fantastic idea! Here’s how you might structure it:
Introduction to Manga: Begin by introducing what manga is, its history, and its influence on popular culture worldwide. Show examples of different manga styles and genres to give participants an overview.
Basic Drawing Techniques: Start with the fundamentals of drawing, such as line work, shapes, and proportions. Provide step-by-step instructions on how to draw basic manga characters, focusing on simple shapes that can be built upon.
Character Design: Move on to character design concepts, including creating unique characters, designing their personalities, and developing backstories. Encourage participants to get creative and think outside the box.
Expression and Emotion: Teach how to convey emotions and expressions through facial expressions, body language, and positioning of characters. This can be a fun and interactive exercise where participants practice drawing various emotions.
Storytelling and Paneling: Explore the basics of storytelling in manga, including paneling techniques, pacing, and layout. Show examples of different panel structures and discuss how they affect the flow of the story.
Inking and Coloring: Introduce participants to inking techniques using pens or markers. You can also cover digital inking for those interested. Then, demonstrate basic coloring techniques using markers, colored pencils, or digital software.
Feedback and Collaboration: Provide opportunities for participants to share their work and receive feedback from their peers and instructors. Encourage collaboration by having them work together on short manga projects or collaborative drawings.
Final Showcase: End the workshop with a showcase of participants’ work. This could be in the form of an exhibition, digital gallery, or printed booklet. Celebrate everyone’s creativity and progress throughout the workshop.
Remember to create a supportive and encouraging environment where participants feel free to express themselves and explore their creativity. And don’t forget to have fun! Manga is all about imagination and passion, so let that spirit shine through in your workshop.

Academy Drawing Traditions

The academy drawing and sketching tradition, rooted in centuries of artistic practice, emphasizes disciplined study of form, proportion, and technique. Originating from Renaissance workshops and formalized by institutions like the Royal Academy, it prioritizes meticulous observation and mastery of fundamental skills. Students progress from basic exercises to complex compositions, learning to depict still life and common objects with precision and expression. This tradition values both classical principles and innovation, encouraging artists to push boundaries while maintaining a deep respect for tradition. Through rigorous training and critique, artists within this tradition cultivate a strong foundation for creative exploration and artistic excellence.

Chinese Ink Painting and Calligraphy

This course on Chinese ink painting and calligraphy introduces young learners to the rich traditions of Chinese art. Through hands-on activities, students explore the basics of brush techniques, ink control, and the delicate art of Chinese script. They learn to appreciate the cultural significance of calligraphy and painting, developing skills in creating elegant strokes and expressive brushwork. The course fosters creativity, patience, and fine motor skills, while also providing insights into Chinese history and aesthetics. By the end, children gain confidence in their artistic abilities and a deeper understanding of Chinese cultural heritage.

Funk with Graffiti

Funk With Graffiti Workshop for children is an engaging and creative program aimed at introducing young artists to the vibrant world of graffiti and funk-inspired street style art. Participants learn the basics of graffiti history, techniques, and safety. Guided by professional graffiti artists, children explore the art of designing their unique tags, emphasizing creativity, expression, and individuality. The workshop includes hands-on activities, from sketching concepts to creating final designs with spray paint on provided surfaces. By the end of the session, children gain confidence in their artistic abilities and an appreciation for graffiti and funk as legitimate forms of street art. Each child completes two original artworks, which they proudly take home, showcasing their newfound skills and personal style.

Batik Tales

In the Batik Introduction Handkerchief Painting workshop, participants will learn the traditional art of batik, a wax-resist dyeing technique originating from Indonesia. The workshop begins with a brief history and overview of batik, highlighting its cultural significance and various techniques. Participants will then observe a demonstration of applying wax with tjanting tools and dyeing the fabric. Following the demonstration, each participant will design and create their own batik handkerchief, applying wax to create patterns and then dyeing their fabric. The workshop concludes with a group discussion, allowing participants to share their creations and reflect on their learning experience.