Acrylic Painting on Canvas Team Bonding Art Jamming Singapore Visual Arts Centre

Life without roots, the future is in question.
Therefore, the famous Chinese idiom, ‘饮水思源’, which means ‘when one drinks water, one must remember its source’ is the essence of our existence to be people of gratitude and honour.
The ArtWord Project Exhibition is an initiative catering to the current new normal global environment an opportunity to unlearn and relearn in a creative yet profound way, coupling the ancient oracle bone scripts with modern abstract arts for today’s application.
Through the 30 ArtWord Project exhibits, contributed by 18 artists in the forms of acrylic paintings, clay pottery, and stainless-steel sculpture, we present to you an educational, inclusive, and relevant interactive platform to forge ahead together towards a preferred future for Singapore and beyond.
When we seek to learn and understand one another, we thrive together.
Welcome, and be a significant part to make this journey a reality!
Dates: 18 June to 23 June 2022
Location: Visual Arts Centre
Address: Dhoby Ghaut Green 10 Penang Road, Singapore 238469
Opening hours:
Daily: 11am – 8pm
Free admission for all
– 谢世良院长, 艺术史学家和项目负责人,亚洲艺术史硕士, 拉萨尔艺术学院 (LaSalle College of Arts)
“令人遗憾的是,在中国以外的侨民社区中,对于中国语文的鉴赏,并不是太注重和投入足够的资源。正因如此,张志辉博士尝试通过《文画展》介绍中国古代语言的起源——甲骨文,是值得称许的。这是一个很积极的举措,非常创意地教育年轻一代了解我们丰富的文化遗产。” – 陈业伟牧师, 新加坡圣经公会总执行长
《文画展》将展出30 件以甲骨文所启发的艺术创作,这些原创出自本地20 位艺术家(其中两位来自马来西亚)。此次展出的主要目的是为创意学习提供一个融合性的平台,借此欣赏隽永无价的非物质文化宝藏———甲骨文。
“殷墟甲骨文的重大发现在中华文明乃至人类文明发展史上具有划时代的意义。甲骨文是迄今为止中国发现的年代最早成熟的文字体系,是汉字的源头和中华优秀传统文化的根脉,值得倍加珍视,更好传承和发展。” ——国家主席习近平(习近平致甲骨文发现和研究 120 周年贺信,2019 年 11 月 1 日)
1. 教育性——作品包括汉字的五个基本笔画:
“丶点”、“一横”、“ ┃竖”、“丿撇”、“㇏捺”。以及25个甲骨文将通过现代艺术形式展示。犹如学英文以字母为基础,深盼《文画展》的艺术形式能成为学习华文的奠基石。
2. 融合性——所有标题将以中文、英文、马来文和淡米尔文解析。
3. 相关性——具备多元文化、跨越种族和跨越世代的意义。
“为了保持我们的身份 …… 我们在世界上的立足点,你的第二语言非常重要。否则,你会失去信心。因为无论你英语说得多么好,你都不是英国人。”
—— 李光耀(李光耀于 2011 年 11 月 28 日在新加坡大会堂发布他的新书《我的终身挑战——新加坡的双语之旅》时的讲话节录。由《联合早报》和《海峡时报》出版。)
张志辉博士 (Dr. Joseph Cheong)
+65 9459 8119
Text 9005 6716 / 6255 0711 or email
Join us to explore the world of art!
Visit to find out more about this exhibition
10 Penang Road,
#01-02 Dhoby Ghaut Green,
Singapore 238469
140 Paya Lebar Road,
#03-04 AZ@Paya Lebar Building,
Singapore 409015
6255 0711
Dhoby Ghaut Art Studio
Monday to Sunday: 11am – 8pm
Closed on Public Holidays, except by appointment.
MacPherson [Office & Storage]
By appointment only
Visual Arts Centre is an exhibition gallery and art studio at Dhoby Ghaut Green supported by the National Parks Board and the National Arts Council.
Since its initiation on 31 January 2016, the Visual Arts Centre Exhibition Gallery has hosted over two hundred international and local art and design exhibitions, boasting a diverse range of art styles and programmes.
+65 6255 0711
+65 6733 2155
Featured Courses 推荐课程
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Drawing & Sketching Course 素描课程
Acrylic Painting Course 丙烯画课程
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Trial Sessions 试课
Chinese Calligraphy & Ink Painting
Graffiti Spray Painting Course
Portfolio Preparation Course (Process) 作品集 (DSA)
Portfolio Preparation Course (Process) 作品集 (Diploma)
Professional Manga Drawing & Digital Painting Course
Professional Interior Design & Freehand Rendering Course
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Creative Kids Art Immersion Course 儿童创意绘画课程
2025: Holiday Art Course for Kids & Teens 儿童和青年假期课程
2025 Kids (6-9YO) Holiday Art Course 儿童假期课程
2025 Teens (10-18YO) Holiday Art Course 青年假期课程
Team Building Art Jamming
Art Jamming Team Bonding Catalogue
Team Bonding
Gala Dinner Art Workshop
Batik Painting Workshop (Mural / Individual)
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Chinese Ink Painting
Chinese Calligraphy & Ink Painting
Current & Upcoming Exhibitions
Venue Hire 场地出租
Hire of Visual Arts Centre Exhibition Gallery @ Dhoby Ghaut
Visual Arts Centre Exhibition Gallery @ Dhoby Ghaut
Visual Arts Centre Gallery and Studio @ MacPherson
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In the Batik Introduction Handkerchief Painting workshop, participants will learn the traditional art of batik, a wax-resist dyeing technique originating from Indonesia. The workshop begins with a brief history and overview of batik, highlighting its cultural significance and various techniques. Participants will then observe a demonstration of applying wax with tjanting tools and dyeing the fabric. Following the demonstration, each participant will design and create their own batik handkerchief, applying wax to create patterns and then dyeing their fabric. The workshop concludes with a group discussion, allowing participants to share their creations and reflect on their learning experience.