Visual Arts Centre


To: You – An Ink on Note Exhibition by Siaw Tao

This August, our Society proudly presents “To: You, an ink on note exhibition”, an exhibition of works on notepaper. “To: You” follows up on our forays into traditional miniature formats; past exhibitions included paintings on Chinese fans.

What are “notepapers”?
Notepapers were used in ancient times for letter writing, measuring 3-4 inches – about the size of an envelope today. Besides being a way to showcase calligraphy and painting, it also contains rich literary contents; even the paper itself is exquisite.

This exhibition will take notepapers as a medium for the presentation of calligraphy, ink painting, and seal carving and our members’ heartfelt expressions, putting a spin on this ancient method of communication. All are welcome!


Event Details


9 – 14 August 2022


Tuesday (9 August): 12pm – 8pm

Wednesday – Saturday (10 August – 13 August): 11am – 8pm

Sunday (14 August): 11am – 6pm

Featured Artworks


胡财和 / 自己的路

戴文标 / 纷纷


尤東暐 / 请饮一杯南洋工夫茶

胡长进 / 渔父。独醉


来临8月,本会将举办《心笺上》啸涛 “信笺展”。这是继往年啸涛所举办的 “小品展”、“扇面展”、“成扇展”之后,本会的另一尝试。

何谓 “信笺”?
古代的信纸叫 “信笺”,三四寸余,和今天一张普通信封差不多大。信笺艺术除了从书法,绘画的角度欣赏以外,还可阅读其丰富优雅的内容,就连信纸本身也很赏心悦目。

本次展览将以古人通讯过程中常用到的“信笺”为媒介,将书法、国画、印章 搭配起来,传达啸涛会员们心尖上的点滴情感,呈现一幅幅颇具创意的“信笺”组合。欢迎各位届时莅临观赏!


展出时间:2022年 8月9日-14日
周二:中午12时 – 下午8时
周三至周六:上午11时- 下午8时
周日: 上午11时 – 下午6时


For more information:

Whatsapp: 6255 0711

Email us at [email protected] for any enquiries!